Friday, June 5, 2015

Days  1 & 2

Hello Everybody!!

Let me start by saying internet connections are not the greatest again so it might be a couple of days between posts. It is also hard on the days where we just stay overnite at a site. So please don't give up on me. I know you WANT to read what I write. :-)

So on Day 1 we left home at 8:30a and arrived at Bluff,UT at 3:20p which was actually 4:20p except that it took us a while to notice that we had lost an hour along the way. I didn't even think of a possible time change when we left home.  I guess the difference could be a good thing because we may just end up going to bed a bit earlier than normal.

The drive was a bit tough on Don as during the last 2/3 of the drive and old friend from Excellent Adventure 2014 showed up. How many know what friend I'm talking about....Yep, Mr. Wind!!!! It wasn't horrible but we also had a rough two lane road the last ten miles or so in Arizona. When we entered into Utah, the road got smoother. Why is that???

The drive was beautiful. The scenery, not your typical desert landscape. Lots of green after Flagstaff and lots of rock formations with beautiful coloring from white to almost Sedona red. There is a lot of reservation housing dotting the landscape. There'd be some out there by themselves and then little groups. They even had satellite dishes.

We passed "dinosaur legs" which I thought was the official name of two rock formations that each looked like a dinosaur leg.  When I asked Don how he knew that he said it was his name for them. He originally saw them when driving for HACI and named them. Then we passed "little rocks" which is a real name. They were little rocks stacked on some big areas of rock. I don't think this was "done", I think it is a natural formation.

In Kayenta, we passed the new hospital that Don delivered duct work and other materials to. Unfortunately, it is still not complete and operational. The sign is even covered over with cardboard. It is a nice big hospital and for now seems to be just a waste of federal taxpayer's dollars. What a shame and who is responsible?

So our first night was spent at Cadillac Ranch in Bluff, UT. Bluff is a nice small town. Very small. The park was a nice place, but no grass just gravel. Not up to Sis's standards. It was next to the San Juan River but where we were it was not flowing, it was more like a pond. A pond full of bullfrogs. You should have heard them. They can be loud and sound like a foghorn.

It rained most of the night with thunder and lightning starting at 3:30a.The morning however was nice with the sun out when we left there at 9:30. Which brings us to...

Day 2 - At 10.25 we arrived at Moab, UT. It is another very nice small, old town. Very touristy and it reminded us of Sedona. It would be cool to live there. It is surrounded by bluffs and red rocks and rock formations. I have to say that Utah is a very beautiful state. A little past Moab is Arches National Park. One of the Big 5 in Utah. We drove in, dropped the trailer in the parking lot, as the ranger suggested, and went in. You drive up the side of a big red rock mountain with switchbacks and what you see after that is awesome! It is some of the most beautiful scenery ever. There are all sort of rock formations and bluffs, I guess. It is really something.  It brought tears to my eyes to think that our Loving God created it for us to enjoy. Oh how He loves us!!  I cannot understand how people think that the beauty on this earth just happened. It is actually an 18 mile drive all the way through to the end and then 18 miles back. We were not able to go all the way. We only went about a third of the way. But we will go back there someday soon. Oh and Don got his $10 Lifetime Senior Pass  for all National Parks. How's that for a bargain?!

It was cool and just a bit breezy at the Park which was perfect. It then rained pretty much all the way to Grand Junction which is our stop for tonight. We arrived here at 2:45. It was cold (55 degrees) and raining. But the rain stopped almost immediately and we got some sun and warmer temperature. It is a very nice park with a patch of grass for Sis. She is happy! She has been a real good girl, a trooper.

Tomorrow's stop is Fort Collins, CO. We will stay there for 2 nights. It is supposed to be even nicer than this park. We are hoping for good weather. I guess it was nice there today and maybe the weather that followed us here will be past there and it will be nice for us.

That's about it for now. We hope and pray all is well at home. It seems after all the driving and what we've done that we've been gone longer than 2 days and technically it hasn't even been 48 hours.

We love you and miss you and wish that you could all be seeing what we are.

I will post this right now and try to add some pictures later. I don't want to miss posting tonight.

Stay tuned!!!


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