Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wednesday, May 7th -

I have to say, and it does scare a part of me after I saw 60 Minutes on Sunday, that I do forget what day it is at times. So does Don but when you're on the road and we're changing plans all the time based on a number of things that it's easy to get your days mixed up. The 60 Minutes show was about the "90+ Study" and one of the questions used in a test for dementia was "What day is it"?

So yesterday we arrived here at Springfield, MO. We cut short our Illinois stay because it was going to rain and be cold. We are cutting short our stay here because of severe weather warnings. So, we are leaving tomorrow. It's sad as today was beautiful. We just came in at 8p from sitting outside in the breeze. It's still light outside and the birds and squirrels are everywhere. There is a storm system headed this way and we'd rather not sit it out as the news here is saying it can be severe. So after praying for guidance, we feel it is best to head out early tomorrow. This is a beautiful park with lots  of trees for shade and green carpets of grass with woods around.

Illinois was fun. We went to downtown Springfield and visited the Lincoln Library. It is beautiful. I took a few pictures before I noticed the sign prohibiting photos. The Lincoln Museum was across the street but we could not go in. We had Sis at home waiting for us so our time was limited. The whole downtown Springfield area is awash in Lincoln sites and facts. I wish we had a whole day to wander but I'm grateful for what we did see. We can always come back...maybe next year.

Today we took a little drive back to Sam's Club (we were there yesterday for a food run) to fill up on diesel fuel which was only $3.63 - the cheapest we've paid since we left Phoenix. Across the street was an Andy's Frozen, you know...we went there. I have to say, it beats anything we've ever had, including Carvel's. It is the BEST! We even, just now, debated going back for more but we know better. I'll have the memory until we come back this way. Next to Andy's was Einstein's Bagels. I have only seen once since home and it was at a rest stop. So, you know... we went there. Of course, poor Don couldn't have any. I bought a few to bring home. I'll freeze them for the way...

Speaking of rest stops, we have seen some beauties. There are some that cross the highway. It's pretty creepy to be in the walkway when a semi comes by underneath you. They have Starbucks, Panera Bread, McD's, and a host of other food places in them. The facilities are nice, clean and modern.

After Andy's and Einstein's, we went to downtown Springfield (Missouri this time). We passed another Andy's (yes, we were tempted) and a host of other places BUT the crowning glory was the Bass Pro Shops store. It is the company flagship, national headquarters store. It easily takes up 4 blocks and they are still adding to it. They have everything there - taxidermy, repairs, catalog sales, boats (not just a few either), conservation center, I can't remember the rest but it is huge and they are adding to it. They even took over a closed up K-Mart store. That's where the catalog sales and pick-up are. The rest of the complex all looks classy like the Bass Pro Shop stores.

I knew we have been traveling in the Bible Belt but I have never seen so many churches. There is easily one every block and some are very large. Everywhere you look there's a church. There are billboards for churches too and lots of billboards with Christian messages (these we've seen in most of these states).

There are also a lot of Donut shops including Krispy Kreme. So many donut shops would not make it in Phoenix. Lots of Oriental Food too, every couple of blocks in certain areas. There have been lots of car washes too, I guess due to the salt on the roads in the snowy weather. We went through one and they use HOT water. There are also many same day denture shops. We've seen all these things in several states now. Lastly we've seen some oldies... Sinclair and Hess gas stations. I haven't seen those in many years.

These states have farm roads. You can use them to get around the toll roads. We were told they are confusing but we have been using them regularly with no problems. They are fun because you can see all the rural areas and beautiful old (and newer) homes, yards and ranches. The only bad thing about them is they are very narrow and some don't have much if any shoulder before you might be on a slope. Not a very steep one but enough to cause a large problem.

We are looking forward to being home soon but it is also a bit sad that our Excellent Adventure has to end. It has been grand just seeing everything and being free to pretty much go where we want except for being weather conscious. We know this whole adventure has been a gift and a wonderful opportunity to see the beauty of our country. We have thought about you all during our travels and especially when seeing certain sites. Devon, I thought of you at the Lincoln Library and thought how awesome it would be if you could bring your classes there. I think of our neighbor Charles when I see the beautiful Robins, Cardinals and squirrels outside as he does such a great job photographing birds at home.

That's it for tonight. We are headed to Oklahoma tomorrow. We are hoping to leave here before the storm and it looks like we will not be heading into it unless of course the weather changes from what we heard today.

I'll try to add some pictures when I post this message. Good night everyone.

 This picture does not do the complex any justice

Our spot here in MO. VERY nice! That's it for pictures, the internet is not very good, as usual.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

May 3rd - Our last night in Indiana. We had planned to stay until Monday morning BUT.. tomorrow it turns colder again and the rain is back. We had a reprieve today. It warmed up in the afternoon and after a couple hour wind spell, that went away too so the afternoon got pretty nice. I wouldn't say warm but not cold.

Tomorrow, we are off to Illinois. We'll stay at the same place we stayed on the way up here. It is by Lake Springfield so is very nice. Also, there are some Abraham Lincoln sites to see but what we can do with Sis remains to be seen. We have been quite limited but that's ok. We knew it would be that way and Sis is a member of the family after all.

So, I did not mention that the grass here does not spread. I'm not sure what kind it is although I have seen and heard ads for Kentucky Blue grass. All I know is wood mulch is a big thing here and whenever we've seen it in a flower bed right in the middle of grass, there is no grass in the flower bed. A lot of the yards are landscaped quite beautifully and there are lots of bulb flowers. Surprisingly a lot of those flowers have bloomed. I saw a huge bed of beautiful tulips today.

I know I have not mentioned the large amounts of cemeteries around here. They don't use the flat headstones so are pretty different. Of course there are trees and green, green grass. They look very nice.

School buses are driven home by the drivers as we have seen many at homes. I guess the districts don't need to have a yard that way. And school campuses are completely open. No fences and gates. Not like in AZ where they are all locked up. I think I mentioned that most all schools we have seen are comprised of one building just like I remember.

The unfenced schools and unfenced pools are funny as you would think back here those things would be standard and we'd be more lax back west but not so. At least, that is my thinking however skewed it may be.

Illinois weather shows warm and dry temps, hallelujah! We are looking forward to that.

Today we drove to Nappanee, an Amish community. We were able to stop in a furniture store. I have to say, they had the most beautiful, well-made furniture I ever saw. The prices are not unreasonable at all but quite comparable however for much higher quality product. It is a treat just to drive and see the landscape and homes.

As promised the other day, here are some pics.

Lake Michigan from New Buffalo Beach, MI. This lake is so big it looks like the ocean. All you can see is water, in every direction.

Well, sorry but I am having no luck downloading pictures tonight. It is taking a loooong, loooong time. I will try again tomorrow.

Good night! As of tonight, we are looking at being back home in Phoenix by May 20th!!! :-)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

May 1st!! A fine spring day I'm sure, in any of the western states, but not on this side of the country.  :-) People that live on this side of the country say that it really isn't spring until June. I believe it!

So, it was on the road again today, early. Back to South Bend, Indiana as part of our plan to find warmer, dryer weather. We have only actually been able to sit outside 2 days since we left. It does hamper things but all in all, we are still grateful. We don't get this kind of weather and soon we won't see it again anytime soon.  However...we are still seeking warmer, drier weather. I tell myself if I lived here it would be different because you'd be prepared and have a mud room and all that stuff. Today we had clear sailing (but lots of clouds) until about 2/3 of the way here. Then the rain, cold (40's) and our old friend, Mr. Wind came. Poor Baby Sis was miserable outside again.

It seemed like a long drive today for some reason but we did get here about 3:15. We made a few stops along the way.

We passed a lot of signs along the way and I looked a lot of places and things up on the internet. Places include: Willow Lake, Kenisee Grand River Campground, Geneva on the Lake and Geneva State Park. They all look like very nice places with tons of summer activities. The lists are long and I'm sure all places are packed during summer. I'm sure they are popular. It's probably what "they do" here in summer.

We passed the Spire Institute which I looked up. It is one of the largest indoor, multi-sport, training and competition complexes in the world. They have a residential academic program too. Their website says they are for all walks of life, olympic hopefuls, wounded warriors, Special Olympics, etc. I'm impressed.

We passed the Elizabeth Scott Community which is a 4 generation, family owned residential care facility. They take care of people in all stages of need. The story behind this place is interesting and they mention little Maximillian, the possible fifth generation that may one day take over.

These are not earth shattering tidbits but they are interesting to check out along the way. More stuff to see and hear about.

We had planned on stopping at a Costco along the way here and took the route around Cleveland to do so, which we would have done anyway this time around, however....we ended up in the express lane on the interstate and could not use the exit so we waved goodbye to Costco as it faded from sight. It was several miles before we could have turned around and by then it wasn't worth it. We wanted some GF items for Don and a layered salsa dip (with refried beans, guacamole, sour cream and cheese) which we have grown to love.

Tolls today totaled a few cents shy of $40 with $25.25 paid for out stint on the Ohio Turnpike which in my opinion is the worst road we have found between NY and AZ. That must be where the term "highway robbery" came from.

So here we are at the South Bend KOA again. It really is a nice place and actually felt like home upon returning. Theypeople here are very nice. I did laundry when we arrived and had to buy quarters again. I asked them in the office if they felt bad selling me the same quarters for the third time. Laundry can be expensive with each load costing between $2.50 and $3.00 or more for washing and drying. Oh how I miss my clothesline.

That's it for today. Not too interesting. We'll leave here on Monday and head for Illinois. The weekend weather is supposed to be warmer, 60's. That is great if it's not raining. It really isn't cold, probably due to the humidity as my mom pointed out.

I'll post some pictures tomorrow and maybe even spare you my wit.

Goodnight everyone. We'll be seeing you soon!

Thanks for all the help you are all providing!